
D.M. Bowman, Inc. is proud to announce it has opened all it's repair facilities & body shop to the general public and business community.

If you are interested in our maintenance department and would like to download a brochure please make sure you have Adobe® Acrobat Reader and click on the following link: Maintenance Brochure

We offer 4 General Repair Facilities:

Complete preventative maintenance programs for trucks and trailers.
Routine repair work on trucks and trailers including roof and rear door work.
Landing leg repair and suspension work.


10038 Governor Lane Blvd.   Google Map Willaimsport, MD Map It
Williamsport, MD 21795

301-223-5340 FAX

6816 English Muffin Way   Google Map Frederick, MD Map It
Frederick, MD 21703

301-694-4968 FAX

318 Laurel Crest Rd.   Google Map Somerset, PA Map It
Somerset, PA 15501

814-445-3240 FAX

12801 Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road   Google Map Huntersville, NC Map It
Huntersville, NC 28078

704-875-3918 FAX

2 Major Overhaul & Rebuild Facilities

Tractor Shop
services include:

major component rebuilds
frame replacements
routine maintenance
DPF cleaning and baking service  Show More...

11557 Hopewell Rd.   Google Map Huntersville, NC Map It
Hagerstown, MD 21740

Trailer Shop
services include:

major & minor trailer rebuilds
suspension and landing leg repair
door and roof repair or replacements
complete trailer rewiring
decal installation and removal

18522 Leslie Drive   Google Map Hagerstown, MD Map It
Hagerstown, MD 21740

1 Full Service Body Shop Facility

Body Shop
services include:

Minor touch-up work to complete refinishing with an in-house 50' semi-downdraft spray booth.
Sandblasting, minor cab damage to major cab rebuilds, decal installation and removal, fiberglass and SmC repairs.
Experienced insurance estimating and repairs.

10702 Hopewell Road   Google Map Williamsport, MD Map It
Hagerstown, MD 21740


Email: Director of Maintenance
Mack Trucks, Inc.
Truck Enterprises

Interested in a Career
